Quantum state tomography

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In this tutorial, we perform quantum state tomography via Riemannian optimization. First two blocks of a code (1. Many-qubit, informationally complete, positive operator-valued measure (IC POVM) and 2. Data set generation (measurement outcomes simulation)) are refered to data generation, third bock dedicated to tomography of a state.

First, one needs to import all necessary libraries.

import tensorflow as tf  # tf 2.x
from math import sqrt

    import QGOpt as qgo
except ImportError:
    !pip install git+https://github.com/LuchnikovI/QGOpt
    import QGOpt as qgo

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm

# Fix random seed to make results reproducable.

1. Many-qubit, informationally complete, positive operator-valued measure (IC POVM)

Before generating measurement outcomes and performing quantum tomography, one needs to introduce POVM describing quantum measurements. For simplicity, we use one-qubit tetrahedral POVM and generalize it on a many-qubit case by taking tensor product between POVM elements, i.e. \(\{M_\alpha\}_{\alpha=1}^4\) is the one-qubit tetrahedral POVM, \(\{M_{\alpha_1}\otimes \dots \otimes M_{\alpha_N}\}_{\alpha_1=1,\dots,\alpha_N=1}^4\) is the many-qubits tetrahedral POVM.

# Auxiliary function that returns Kronecker product between two
# POVM elements A and B
def kron(A, B):
    """Kronecker product of two POVM elements.

        A: complex valued tensor of shape (q, n, k).
        B: complex valued tensor of shape (p, m, l).

        complex valued tensor of shape (q * p, n * m, k * l)"""

    AB = tf.tensordot(A, B, axes=0)
    AB = tf.transpose(AB, (0, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5))
    shape = AB.shape
    AB = tf.reshape(AB, (shape[0] * shape[1],
                         shape[2] * shape[3],
                         shape[4] * shape[5]))
    return AB

# Pauli matrices
sigma_x = tf.constant([[0, 1], [1, 0]], dtype=tf.complex128)
sigma_y = tf.constant([[0 + 0j, -1j], [1j, 0 + 0j]], dtype=tf.complex128)
sigma_z = tf.constant([[1, 0], [0, -1]], dtype=tf.complex128)

# All Pauli matrices in one tensor of shape (3, 2, 2)
sigma = tf.concat([sigma_x[tf.newaxis],
                   sigma_z[tf.newaxis]], axis=0)

# Coordinates of thetrahedron peaks (is needed to build tetrahedral POVM)
s0 = tf.constant([0, 0, 1], dtype=tf.complex128)
s1 = tf.constant([2 * sqrt(2) / 3, 0, -1/3], dtype=tf.complex128)
s2 = tf.constant([-sqrt(2) / 3, sqrt(2 / 3), -1 / 3], dtype=tf.complex128)
s3 = tf.constant([-sqrt(2) / 3, -sqrt(2 / 3), -1 / 3], dtype=tf.complex128)

# Coordinates of thetrahedron peaks in one tensor of shape (4, 3)
s = tf.concat([s0[tf.newaxis],
               s3[tf.newaxis]], axis=0)

# One qubit thetrahedral POVM
M = 0.25 * (tf.eye(2, dtype=tf.complex128) + tf.tensordot(s, sigma, axes=1))

n = 2  # number of qubits we experiment with

# M for n qubits (Mmq)
Mmq = M
for _ in range(n - 1):
    Mmq = kron(Mmq, M)

2. Data set generation (measurement outcomes simulation).

Here we generate a set of measurement outcomes (training set). First of all, we generate a random density matrix that is a target state we want to reconstruct. Then, we simulate measurement outcomes over the target state driven by many-qubits tetrahedral POVM introduced in the previous cell.

num_of_meas = 600000  # number of measurement outcomes

# random target density matrix (to be reconstructed)
m = qgo.manifolds.DensityMatrix()
A = m.random((2 ** n, 2 ** n), dtype=tf.complex128)
rho_true = A @ tf.linalg.adjoint(A)

# measurements simulation (by using Gumbel trick for sampling from a
# discrete distribution)
P = tf.cast(tf.tensordot(Mmq, rho_true, [[1, 2], [1, 0]]), dtype=tf.float64)
eps = tf.random.uniform((num_of_meas, 2 ** (2 * n)), dtype=tf.float64)
eps = -tf.math.log(-tf.math.log(eps))
ind_set = tf.math.argmax(eps + tf.math.log(P), axis=-1)

# POVM elements came true (data set)
data_set = tf.gather_nd(Mmq, ind_set[:, tf.newaxis])

3. Data processing (tomography)

First, we define an example of the density matrices manifold:

m = qgo.manifolds.DensityMatrix()

The manifold of density matrices is represneted through the quadratic parametrization \(\varrho = AA^\dagger\) with an equivalence relation \(A\sim AQ\), where \(Q\) is an arbitrary unitary matrix. Thus, we initialize a variable, that represents the parametrization of a density matrix:

# random initial paramterization
a = m.random((2 ** n, 2 ** n), dtype=tf.complex128)
# in order to make an optimizer works properly
# one need to turn a to real representation
a = qgo.manifolds.complex_to_real(a)
# variable
a = tf.Variable(a)

Then we initialize Riemannian Adam optimizer:

lr = 0.07  # optimization step size
opt = qgo.optimizers.RAdam(m, lr)

Finally, we ran part of code that calculate forward pass, gradients, and optimization step several times until convergence is reached:

# the list will be filled by value of trace distance per iteration
trace_distance = []

for _ in range(400):
    with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
        # complex representation of parametrization
        # shape=(2**n, 2**n)
        ac = qgo.manifolds.real_to_complex(a)

        # density matrix
        rho_trial = ac @ tf.linalg.adjoint(ac)

        # probabilities of measurement outcomes
        p = tf.tensordot(rho_trial, data_set, [[0, 1], [2, 1]])
        p = tf.math.real(p)

        # negative log likelihood (to be minimized)
        L = -tf.reduce_mean(tf.math.log(p))

    # filling trace_distance list (for further plotting)
    trace_distance.append(tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.abs(tf.linalg.eigvalsh(rho_trial - rho_true))))
    # gradient
    grad = tape.gradient(L, a)
    # optimization step
    opt.apply_gradients(zip([grad], [a]))

Here we plot trace distance vs number of iteration to validate the result

plt.plot(trace_distance, 'b')
plt.legend([r'$n=$' + str(n) + r'$\ qubits$'])
plt.ylabel(r'$||\varrho_{\rm true} - \varrho_{\rm trial}||_{\rm tr}$')